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 ⭐️ Help and FAQ ⭐️

Okay, I’ve downloaded the app! Now what?

First, create an account for yourself and send an invite to everyone in your group!

Even before others join, you can start creating tasks! These are the things people are going to do to earn stars!

Once the tasks are created and you’ve completed  a task, you can log your activity in the Star Log  to collect stars. Once you and others in your group add an activity to the star log, you’ll be able to see the total stars they have earned in the stats section.

If someone does something you want to appreciate, you can like the task in the star log, giving them 5 extra stars. 


Have more questions? Check out our FAQ below.


Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us at

Cartoon illustration of a smiling purple cat with blue and white markings, and a white star on its belly

⭐️ Frequently Asked Questions⭐️ (FAQ)

⭐️ How do I create an account?

Open the app. The starting screen has a button at the button that says “Create an Account.” Click it! Fill in your  name and Email. You can either create a new community or join an existing community. Follow the prompts from there! 

⭐️ How do I send an invite to potential group members?

First, go to the settings tab by clicking on the gear icon on the bottom bar. You’ll know you’ve selected it as it will be highlighted pink.


Scroll down to the Active Members section. Click the plus button underneath. Then enter the name and email of the person you’d like to invite and it will automatically send them an invite.

⭐️ I forgot my password, now what? 

Open the community star app. At the bottom of the page there is a link that says “Reset My Password” Click it! Enter your email and we’ll send you a link that will allow you to reset your password! 

⭐️ What is a star?

A star is our unit of measurement for work done in the community. Think of them like points! You can collect stars by logging your activity. You can see the total number of stars you’ve collected each week, by checking the stats page. 

⭐️ How can I see my star totals? 

Select the stats icon on the bottom bar. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink. From there you’ll see a bar graph comparing everyone’s stars earned from the week. If you’d like to see a previous week, select the box listing the date, and select a previous date to view. 

⭐️ How do I create a task?

To create a task, first select the task tab in the bottom bar, a check mark image. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.


Once you’ve selected the tab, click the purple plus symbol on the bottom right. This will pull up a new task form. Start by filling out the “name.” This will be what people see as the task. You might put something like “load the dishwasher.” 


Then select a category for it to go under by clicking the bar labeled “category.” You can either scroll down to the category, or type in the name to pull it up. If you need a new category, you can type in what you’d like it to be, and then click “add _____________”  and a new category will be created. For example,  you could have a “Kitchen” category, and in that category, you could list all the chores you want folks to do in the Kitchen.This helps keep chores organized and easy to find. 


If you’d like the task to be worth more the longer it goes without getting done, you can add bonus stars for the task.

⭐️ So what’s up with these bonus stars?

Bonus stars are extra stars that can accumulate over time if a task isn’t done. This can be especially helpful if the task gets harder to do the longer it hasn’t been done, like dishes! We offer four fields to fill in:

How many days until bonus stars become available?

This determines how many days must pass since the task was last completed in order to be eligible for bonus stars.

How many stars is the total bonus worth?

This determines the maximum bonus stars that can be made available on this task.

Over how many days will bonus stars increase?

After a task becomes eligible for bonus stars, this determines how many days it will take for the bonus stars to grow to the maximum.

How many bonus stars will be added each day?

After a task becomes eligible for bonus stars, this determines how many bonus stars will be added each day that the task is not completed.

You only need to fill in 3 of the 4, and the last one will be calculated automatically. (Yay calculators!)

For example, for us, cleaning the stove top is worth 25 base stars. After 7 days, bonus stars will start to accumulate. Every other day, 1 bonus star will be added until they reach 25. If the stove was cleaned within the last week, you'll get the base 25 stars. If the stove was last cleaned 9 days ago, you’ll get 26 stars. If the stove was last cleaned 11 days ago, you'll get 27 stars. If the stove ever goes uncleaned for 57 days, it'll be worth the maximum value of 50 stars (25 base + 25 bonus) and the bonus will stop growing.

For this you would put in:

25 base stars


How many days until bonus stars become available?: 7
How many stars is the total bonus worth?: 25
Over how many days will bonus stars increase?: 50
How many bonus stars will be added each day?: 0.5

And remember, you only need to enter 3 of the 4 fields, and we’ll calculate the rest!

Bonus stars might not be needed for every chore! Just leave them blank if you don’t need them!

⭐️ Tips for Creating a Task

1. Be specific

We suggest instead of saying “tidy the living room” that you break it down into smaller tasks so that you can log exactly what was done, and everyone is on the same page about what tasks are included in “tidying” the living room. You might instead say: Clean up trash in the living room, clean up plates/bowls/cups/cans from the living room, sweep the living room, wipe down the coffee table, dust the tv, etc. 

2. Add a category to each task. This will help you be able to find each task later, and group related tasks together. Instead of having to scan every task to remind you of what needs done in the kitchen, create a kitchen category and open it up when you’re cleaning to see what you can do to earn stars. 

3. Discuss with your group what is expected of each task so that everyone is on the same page.

⭐️ How can I edit or delete a task? 

To create a task, first select the task tab in the bottom bar, a check mark image. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.


Then you can search for a specific task to edit in a few ways. You can type the name of the task into the “find tasks” bar. You can also select a particular category, and it will show you all the tasks in that category. Or you can scroll down to the task in the list. 


Once you’ve found your task, click on it. It will bring you to an edit page. You can change the name, or change the category by clocking the category and selecting a new one. You can also change the star values. Once you’re done, be sure to save. 


If you’d like to delete the task all together, select delete instead. 


Editing or deleting a task will not affect activities that have already been logged.

⭐️ How do I edit/delete a category?

First start by going to the tasks section of the app, with the check mark icon. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink. Then scroll to the category you’d like to edit and click on it. From there you can change the name, copy the category, or delete it. Once you’ve edited the name, be sure to save! 

When you delete a category, the tasks will remain and will become uncategorized.

⭐️ How can I log my activity in the Star Log?

You can open the star log, by clicking the list icon on the lower left corner of the app. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.


From there, you can add an activity to the star log by clicking the purple circle with a plus sign in it on the bottom right of the screen, just above the bottom bar. It will take you to a list of the tasks. 


You can find the task by either searching for it in the “find tasks” bar, or by selecting a category, like “kitchen.” You can also scroll through the list of all the tasks to find what you are looking for. 


Once you have found the task, you simply select it. It will light up pink. If you’ve done multiple of a task, such as multiple loads of laundry, you can press the plus sign until you’ve reached the amount, or you can tap the number to type it in! 


If you’ve done more than one task, you can select all the tasks you have completed. When you’re done, be sure to save by clicking the “Collect ___ Stars” bar on the bottom. Now you should see your totals reflected in the stats tab. 


If multiple people worked on the same activity, you can select the images up top to include everyone who did the task. You each will be awarded the full star value for the activity, it will not be split. 


If you are logging an activity that happened previously, you can edit the day and time at the top of the form by clicking them and selecting a new date or time. 

⭐️ How can I edit/ delete my activity in the Star Log?

First, open the star log by clicking the list icon on the lower left corner of the app. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.


Scroll to the activity you would like to edit. If it was done a while ago, you may want to jump to a specific day in the Star Log. 


Once you’ve found the activity you’d like to edit, click the pink pencil icon on the right side. From there you can edit the date and time by selecting each of these.  You can also edit who did the activity by selecting or deselecting the photos of everyone involved. You can also edit the day, time, how many times the task will be counted. 


If you’d rather delete the activity, just select the delete button! 

⭐️ How do I see a specific day in the Star Log?

You can open the star log, by clicking the list icon on the lower left corner of the app. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink. Then, once open click the calendar icon in the top right corner, and select the date you’re looking for. It will bring you to that point in the Star Log. 

⭐️ How do I like/ unlike someone’s activity?

First, open the star log by clicking the list icon on the lower left corner of the app. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.


Scroll to the activity you want to like. If it was done a while ago, you may want to jump to a specific day in the Star Log. 


Then, once you’ve found the activity, simply select the blue heart on the right side. You’ll know it’s been liked because the blue heart will fill in. This will give everyone who did that activity 5 extra points!


If you’d like to unlike the activity, simply click the filled in heart. You’ll know it’s been unliked because it will go back to an empty heart. 

⭐️ How do I change my password?

First, go to the settings tab by clicking on the gear icon on the bottom bar. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.


In this tab, you’ll see a place to change your password. First you must enter your current password. Then add your new password below, and type it twice to confirm the password. Then click the Save Button. 

⭐️ How do I change my email? 

First, go to the settings tab by clicking on the gear icon on the bottom bar. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.

 Scroll to the section that say Change Email. Put in your new email address and save! Then you will have to click a link in your new email to confirm. 

⭐️ How do I add/change a photo? 

First, go to the settings tab by clicking on the gear icon on the bottom bar. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.

In the top left corner you’ll see your current photo. If it’s your first time adding a photo, you’ll see a round image with a head and shoulders icon. Click this image. It will ask you if you want to take a picture at this moment, or if you’d like to use a photo from your previous photos. 


Select whichever you’d prefer, and follow the prompts.

⭐️ How can I change my community’s name or time zone? 

First, go to the settings tab by clicking on the gear icon on the bottom bar. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.


Scroll down to where is says “Community” and underneath where it says “Name” to type the name you would like. 


You can select a new timezone by clicking the timezone box and selecting the time zone you would like. 


Be sure to press save when you are done.

⭐️ How can I add or take someone off my team?

The only person who can edit team members status is the owner of the community. 


First, go to the settings tab by clicking on the gear icon on the bottom bar. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.


Then scroll down to the Active Members section. Click the name of the person you would like to deactivate, and click the deactivate button. Their previous data will be stored, but they will no longer be able to access your community. 


To reactivate,  scroll down to the inactive members section. Click the name of the person and simply click reactivate and their status will be reactivated.

⭐️ How do I log out of the app?

First, go to the settings tab by clicking on the gear icon on the bottom bar. You’ll know you’ve selected it when it is highlighted pink.


Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see the Log Out button. Press it and it will log you out. 

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